Monday 18 June 2007

Give the trainer a break!

It's amazing...
If you are ever on training, PLEASE dont bombard the trainer with questions during lunch and breaks!

This week I had 7 delegates, some of them fairly new to what I teach. So, it happened a few times - we break for tea, and leave the room, and we went to sit in a kind of coffee area. I try to steer the conversation to small talk. Some delegates start asking questions about the product we are learning. Some of the questions would be good to discuss in the room with everyone there. But, really, at that moment, the trainer was hoping for a break, too. Dont get me wrong, I dont mind one or two questions, but when it takes the whole break...... Well, I had these same students for 5 days, and on only the 2nd day, I had to change my approach:

During a break, I would leave the room, go sit somewhere on my own, or even outside ! Its a pity - I like people, and its interesting to talk to my delegates about their interests, their lives, etc. So I apologise if you were my delegate this week, and I disappeared every break, and even at lunch time - but I need a break from the technical stuff!

I think maybe I will change my approach - in future if someone asks me a question in a break I will say: "you know, thats a really interesting question, that your colleagues could benefit from, so can you ask me again when we resume the training?"

What do you think?

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